You can expect your nanny search to take anywhere between two days and two months. Some parents hire the first candidate they meet, while other parents prefer to interview several nanny candidates before making a hiring decision. The time it takes to find the best match will vary according to your needs, your job description and the location of your home. Parents who require their nanny to work extended hours or take on non-child related housekeeping duties, travel to the distant suburbs for work or care for more than two children typically take longer to fill.
Nannies typically take on all child related tasks including doing the children’s laundry, cleaning the children’s areas, picking up the kitchen after use, grocery shopping, errands, transporting the children to and from activities and preparing simple meals for the children. It is rare to find professional nannies who are willing to take on general housekeeping tasks such as preparing dinner for the family, doing the parents laundry and linens or cleaning the house. Young children need 100% of their caregiver’s attention and assigning additional non-childcare related tasks may jeopardize the safety of your children.
For parents who are willing to do the investigative work required to confirm a candidate’s identity and that she is qualified for the job, using the Internet can be a cost-effective way to recruit a nanny. On the Internet parents may learn about potential caregivers through their social media connections, online nanny recruiting websites or through online classifieds.
Unlike with reputable agencies like Morningside Nannies, however, who prescreen applicants and only present qualified nanny candidates to you for consideration, nanny candidates found online are anonymous. During an online search, it can be hard for parents to determine who they are really connecting with and if unsuspecting parents are taken advantage of, by the time they realize it it’s often too late: their private and personal information has already been shared.
When using Morningside Nannies, you’re paying for an experienced partner to guide you to the right nanny for your family. Our fees are higher than online websites because we offer you more than a database. We offer you nanny candidates who our team has personally interviewed and deemed qualified for your job.
If your children are school aged, an au pair may be a great solution for afterschool childcare or a great alternative to a mothers’ helper. Au pairs are not a replacement for full-time nannies.
Au pairs enter the United States as part of the US Department of State, Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs J-1 Exchange Visitor Program. The au pair program is a cultural exchange program with a childcare component. While the program is often marketed to parents as a cheap form of childcare, at its root it is a government run cultural exchange program.
In exchange for room and board, foreign nationals between the ages of 18 – 26 years old continue their education and experience American life in exchange for providing limited childcare for their host families. Host families are required to include their au pair in family activities and meals and help her to experience American culture and life.
Au pairs are not required to have previous childcare or previous nanny experience. They are also not permitted to provide care for newborns and young infants unless a parents is home at all times. Parents who opt to host an au pair must allow the au pair time off for educational coursework and one full weekend per month to pursue leisure activities.
Like any successful relationship, a successful nanny and employer relationship requires mutual respect, appreciation and give and take.
Think about the following areas of your past nanny relationships and decide if you have been an employer that your nanny would want to work for.
Appreciation: We all need to hear that we are doing a good job. Thanking your nanny on a regular basis will help her know that you appreciate the care that she is providing to your family.
Compensation: One of the main reasons that nannies look for another job is money. Do not forget to pay your nanny the expected and agreed upon amount, plus any overtime that is due. Be sure to pay your nanny on the day she is expecting her check and if remembering to pay her is a problem, ask if you can pay her via direct deposit.
Respect: Listen to your nanny’s ideas and show her you respect her experience and her relationship with your children. Establish and adhere to a work agreement, come home on time, pay her promptly, establish a review and bonus policy, offer her fair benefits and treat her as a professional. Provide her with the type of work environment that you would like to work in. You will develop a very intimate work relationship with your nanny and like with any other relationship, your nanny will become hurt if she feels she is taken advantage of.
The best nannies are the ones who value their jobs and get along well with all the members of their employer’s family. Most nannies chose this profession because they love working with children and their families. Nannies and parents strive to ensure that children receive high quality care. This can only be accomplished when both parents and nannies consistently work together.