When it comes to choosing the right nanny for your family, it’s essential that you connect with your caregiver. While we’ve prescreened candidates and only present you with those candidates who are qualified to do your job, we strongly encourage parents to personally interview candidates to determine if there’s a personal connection with the caregiver and if the caregiver meets or exceeds their expectations.
After reviewing the materials we’ve provided about various candidates, we encourage you to conduct a phone interview with nanny candidates whom you are interested in learning more about. During the phone interview you should confirm that the candidate has a clear understanding of the job you are offering, gather additional basic information about a candidate and confirm that the information you’ve been provided with about the candidate is still accurate.
Download & Print the Phone Interview Questions »
Q. Can you tell me about your qualifications for this position?
Q. Can you tell me about your childcare experience?
Q. How long have you been a nanny?
Q. What ages children do you have experience with?
Q. Why did your last job end?
Q. Why are you interested in this job?
Q. Can you tell me about your best childcare experience?
Q. Can you tell me about your worst childcare experience?
Q. What type of employer do you typically work best with?
Q. Do you have current first aid and CPR certification?
Q. Do you drive?
Q. Can you tell me about your availability?
Q. When are you available to start?
Q. How long of a commitment are you available to make?
Q. Do you have a personal statement or resume available?
If you feel that the phone interview went well and you want to learn more about the candidate, we encourage you to schedule an in-person interview. The first in-person interview can be held in our office. We encourage you to meet the candidate first without the children present so you can focus on interviewing the candidate and learning more about her background, skills and abilities. Download & Print the In-Person Interview Questions »
Q. Can you tell me about your family?
Q. How were you raised?
Q. How would you raise your children differently?
Q. Why do you enjoy working as a nanny?
Q. What are your priorities as a caregiver?
Q. What makes a good nanny?
Q. Can you tell me about a time a child had a temper tantrum in your care? What did you do?
Q. Can you tell me about a time when you disagreed with an employer? How did you handle it?
Q. Can you tell me about a time when you had an on the job emergency? How did you handle it?
Q. Do you have a childcare philosophy? What is it?
Q. What discipline strategy do you find most effective?
Q. Can you tell me how you set limits with the children in your last position?
Q. How much TV did your former charges watch? How did you feel about that?
Q. Can you tell me activities you’ve done with a (insert age of your child) year-old?
Q. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Q. How would your friends describe you?
Q. How would your past employers describe you?
Q. How do you feel about the schedule we’ve proposed?
Q. How do you feel about the tasks required in this position?
Q. How do you feel about the level of responsibility that comes with this position?
Q. Can you tell me about your relationship with your previous nanny employer?
Q. How did you communicate with your previous nanny employer? How often?
Q. How do you feel about transporting children?
Q. Can you foresee anything that would prevent you from doing this job?
Q. Do you have responsibilities that would interfere with your ability to do this job?
Q. Do you have flexibility in scheduling?
After the in-person interview, if you are still interested in the candidate we suggest you hold a second in-person interview in your home with the children present.
During this interview we encourage you to:
Once you’ve decided on a candidate you wish to hire, you may wish to hold a working interview. During the working interview both parents and nannies have the opportunity to confirm that they are a good match before committing to a one-year employment arrangement. During the working interview, the nanny should be compensated for her time according to her normal rate. Most working interviews last between one and three days.