Childcare emergencies happen. When your regular childcare arrangements fall through, Morningside Nannies is here to help. With a simple phone call or by completing an online request, we can have a qualified and prescreened caregiver at your door ready to provide attentive care to your children in the comfort of your own home.
Parents who depend on their childcare providers so that they can fulfill their professional and personal obligations can’t afford a childcare breakdown. Backup childcare is ideal for parents who need a contingency plan in the event their ongoing childcare arrangements fall thorough.
As parents who utilize daycare centers can attest, sick policies prevent even the most mildly ill children from attending. Having a backup plan in place allows you to seamlessly secure coverage, ensuring your child is well cared for by an experienced and qualified childcare provider.
And while it’s a rare occasion for a nanny to call in sick, even the most dedicated nannies may fall ill. Having backup childcare allows your nanny to recover from her illness fully so she can return to work in her best form, reducing the risk of her passing on illness to your family.
When it comes to children, consistency breeds safety and security. When there’s a change in routine, children feel most confident and secure when their environment is familiar. Having a qualified caregiver come to your home allows you to keep what you can consistent.
A prescreened caregiver can step in and follow your instructions to ensure your child’s day goes as expected. In addition to providing attentive care in the comfort of your child’s home, she can transport your child to his normal activities and undertake most any tasks that your ongoing provider would complete.
Instead of running around looking for last minute coverage, a backup provider can come to your home, at your convenience to provide your child with the attentive care he needs to have a successful day.
Sometimes you can plan for an interruption in childcare coverage, but we understand that most of the time you can’t. At Morningside Nannies we have a pool of prescreened and qualified caregivers who can be called on to provide same day coverage and meet your immediate childcare needs. If you anticipate a breakdown in your ongoing childcare arrangements, we’re also ready to help. With a phone call to our agency you can schedule your backup provider for today, tomorrow or whenever you find yourself in a childcare pinch.
We understand that sometimes children are too sick to go to school or daycare, but well enough to be cared for by a qualified caregiver in the comfort of their own home.
The following guidelines are in place with regards to mildly ill children.
We will gladly staff positions with children who:
We will gladly staff positions with children who have:
Provided they have been on antibiotics for at least 24 hours.
Because of the likelihood of that a nanny could become infected and spread the illness or condition to other children, we cannot provide nannies to care for children with:
Care requests for children who are vomiting are handled on a case-by-case basis.