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We made you work and you did! I was extremely picky! Thanks.
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Things to Talk About in an Annual Nanny Review

Things-to-Talk-About-in-an-Annual-Nanny-ReviewIn order to sustain a healthy and productive relationship with your nanny, it’s important to evaluate and meet for a performance review at least once a year. Even though you may be offering praise and tips along the way, a formal meeting with your nanny can help clarify expectations and provide feedback for both the nanny and parents on how to maintain a healthy parenting partnership.

Before you begin the review, consider the topics you want to discuss. From an evaluation of your nanny’s techniques as a childcare provider and caregiver to salary and benefits, prepare yourself before the review by determining your preferences and what is ultimately the best for your family.

Getting Started

Before meeting with your nanny, review the job description to make sure you are reviewing the criteria that was agreed upon when his or her contract began.

It’s also important to provide your nanny with advance notice of when the performance evaluation will take place. This will give the nanny time to prepare and review his or her own performance in your home.

It may also help to type out a formal evaluation form so that your nanny has documented comments and feedback based on his or her performance throughout the year. You can add categories such as childcare and work habits and offer a rating system to help your nanny see areas where he or she is succeeding and areas that need improvement.

What to Discuss

Although your nanny may be viewed as a member of your family, an annual review should offer a mix of both formal and informal discussions. There may be some differences in thought, so be prepared to approach delicate topics with a professional approach.

The following topics of discussion may be appropriate for the annual review:

  • Childcare/Parenting Strategies – Launch a discussion that pertains to how your children are cared for with the nanny. This discussion may touch on child safety, child hygiene, appropriate play and activities, effective discipline strategies and preparation of nutritious meals and snacks.
  • Work Habits – As an employee in your home, your nanny likely has responsibilities outlined in the initial contract. A discussion of work habits may include punctuality, reliability and dependability, examples of initiative, communication habits, judgment calls and whether or not the nanny demonstrates trustworthiness by keeping the confidentiality of your family matters. You may also want to address how the nanny handles stressful situations and his or her overall cooperation with your wishes when caring for the children.
  • Housekeeping Responsibilities – If your nanny’s contract stipulates that she will also provide housekeeping for your family, this should be a topic of discussion during the annual review. Review her performance with straightening up, laundry, meal preparation or general housekeeping such as mopping and vacuuming. If you have preferences for any of these activities or want to initiate any changes, now is the time to discuss this with your nanny.
  • Wages – An annual review is the perfect opportunity to discuss your nanny’s wages and benefits. Typically, when considering a raise, it is important for employers to consider merit and the cost of living. Think about the benefits your nanny receives and make a fair decision based on the responsibilities and comparable wages in your area. Allow your nanny to also have some input on the fairness of her wages, but know that the final decision rests with you and your family’s needs.
  • Contract Changes – If you would like to make any changes to the nanny’s contract, these will need to be negotiated during the annual review. You may wish to add in responsibilities such as transportation of your children to and from activities or overnight stays. Construct a clear schedule and set realistic expectations that are agreed upon by both you and the nanny.

Final Recommendations

An annual review does not have to be a negative experience for you or the nanny. In fact, a performance review should not yield any surprises if you have been communicating feedback and concerns throughout the year. The key to a successful evaluation meeting relies on communicating how your nanny is excelling and also communicating any areas needing improvement.

Remember to keep your conversation friendly yet professional and allow your nanny the opportunity to express any concerns he or she is experiencing so you can both work out a plan to resolve any issues.


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