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Preparing for Your Nanny Job Interview

You have secured a nanny job interview. Now what? These tips will help you prepare for your nanny job interview and put your best foot forward.

What to Wear

Clean, pressed clothing is appropriate to wear to your nanny interview. Khaki’s and a polo top, or nice jeans and a blouse are all acceptable to wear shutterstock_610887113 (1)to a nanny job interview.

Tight jeans, mini-skirts, shorts, T-shirts with sayings on them, low cut tops, tank tops, excessive jewelry and high heels are not appropriate to wear to your nanny interview as they are not sensible for proving hands-on childcare.

Wearing excessive makeup and heavy perfume is also not appropriate to wear to your interview due to possible allergies and sensitivities.

Being well groomed, having short, manicured nails and wearing clean and pressed clothing will demonstrate that you take pride in your appearance and practice good hygiene.

What to Bring

It is helpful to bring the family’s name, address, phone number and directions with you as you leave for the interview. Having these items handy to contact the parents if you are running late or lost is always a good idea.

You’ll also want to bring your notes on the family and job description, so that you can have an educated and informed conversation about how you may best assist the family and why your knowledge, experience and skill set are a good match for them.

Some nannies like to bring letters of reference or photographs to share with the family, as well as a copy of their resume or portfolio. If you have these items, bring them along. Have copies of your resume and reference letters should you wish to leave this information with the family. If you’ve completed specialized nanny training, like the course offered at www.NannyTraining.com, you’ll want to include that in your resume or portfolio as well.

Also, be sure to go to the interview alone; do not bring anyone with you to the meeting – not your spouse, your friend, or your own child. It would be unprofessional to attend an interview with another. If you have safety concerns, ask to meet at a local café and always tell a friend or family member when and where you are interviewing.

What to Say

When arriving to the interview, be sure to introduce yourself by shaking the parent’s hand and greeting the children right away. Demonstrating a friendly confidence will help to put the parents at ease.

If you are interviewing for a job with an infant, ask if you may wash your hands and hold the baby. If it’s a toddler, make conversation; ask if you can see the child’s favorite toy. Remember to give lots of eye contact.

Be sure to ask questions about the child’s likes and dislikes, allergies, special needs, and bedtime routines. Also inquire about the work schedule and duties.

Be sure to answer questions honestly, but don’t go on too long about one subject. Listen to the parents to learn how they approach childcare.

Being enthusiastic and positive during the interview goes a long way in making a good impression.  Do not make negative comments about past employers and do not gossip about any family that has employed you. Everyone knows that some jobs just don’t work out. If asked why you left another position and it didn’t end well be honest but remain positive.

Remember, the family will be judging you on what type of a caregiver you will be. They want to know that their child will be well cared for and will receive all the love and attention that only a private caregiver could provide.  They must have trust in you.

Be sure to demonstrate your knowledge about the proper care of a child of their child’s age and share why you enjoy spending your day with children. You should be prepared to share how you’d spend your day caring for a child of their child’s age by giving specific examples of routines, activities and schedules that have worked well for you.

Also remember that parents will be turned off if the first question you ask is, “How much do you pay?” Parents want a nanny who are genuinely interested in providing quality childcare, not someone who is only seeking a childcare position for the money. While it’s appropriate to answer questions about your desired wage expectations, do not be the first person to bring the topic up.


Looking for your next nanny job? Check out our job listings at www.morningsidenannies.com/jobs.



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