What is considered recent childcare work experience?
Many individuals believe that caring for their own child or providing informal care for family in friends is considered experience enough to be qualified to work as a nanny.
While the experience gained from providing care for family and friends or on a volunteer basis contributes to your experience as a child care provider, we require our applicants to have experience working in formal child care positions.
When working in a formal childcare position, caregivers:
Formal child care positions include working as a daycare provider, teacher, nanny, camp counselor, tutor, coach, or other position where you have held a job working with children. Positions like babysitting and Sunday church nursery volunteer are supplemental to the positions listed above. We consider recent child care experience to have occurred within the last 2-3 years, though this is determined at the discretion of the nanny coordinator. We also must be able to verify your work experience through reference checking or employment verification.
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